Combined Checklist

Here are all the checklist items in one place for easy reference:

* AR-01: Obey file name conventions
* AR-02: Obey directory structure
* AR-03: Are new directories consistent
* DE-01: Can you refactor?
* DE-02: Avoid deeply nested conditionals
* DE-03: Eliminate dead code
* DE-04: Eliminate large comment blocks
* DE-05: Ensure comments are appropriate
* DE-07: Ensure code is readable
* DE-08: Ensure code is DRY
* DE-09: Ensure reusable code is exported
* UI-01: The goal of page is clear
* UI-02: The layout is appropriate for desktop and mobile
* UI-03: Links, buttons, and others are obvious
* UI-04: Forms provide example values
* UI-05: Requests for information should make the why available
* UI-06: The page loads acceptably quickly
* UI-07: The console does not generate errors
* JS-01: Names classes, components, files and directories
* JS-03: Use the spread operator
* JS-04: Use object deconstruction
* JS-05: Use arrow functions
* JS-06: Avoid lodash map, filter, etc
* JS-07: Avoid console.logs
* JS-08: Use JSDoc comments appropriately
* JS-09: When objects do not have many fields, use one line
* TS-01: Avoid any
* TS-02: Use React.FC
* CS-01: Use local style.css
* ES-01: No errors, avoid warnings
* ES-02: Consider modifying our standards
* RE-01: Components should be simple
* RE-03: No state updates in loops
* RE-04: Do not rename default exports
* RE-05: Destructure props in component parameter
* RE-06: Define typed constants in withTracker
* RE-07: Use React.CSSProperites
* RE-08: Don't retrieve collection data inside render
* RE-09: Imported component names and filenames should match
* RE-10: Avoid Widget and Card in names
* TU-01: Each collection has unit tests
* TI-01: Each Meteor Method has integration tests
* TA-01: Each Page has an isDisplayed acceptance test
* TA-02: Each form has an acceptance test
Last updated on by Philip Johnson