Help build community

One of the most important goals of RadGrad is to help build "communities of practice": students, faculty, advisors, and community groups who share a common interest and want to help each other develop proficiency with it.

RadGrad provides a "Visibility" mechanism to allow you to control what aspects of your profile are visible to others. The Home Page checklist item asks you to review your Visibility settings if you are a new user, and every six months or so thereafter:

Visibility Page

Clicking on the "Visibility" navbar link (or the Visibility Page button in the checklist item) takes you to your Visibilty page. Here's what it looks like for this advisor:

Visibility Page

There are six parts of your profile that you can make available: a picture, a link to your home page, and any Interests, Career Goals, Courses, and Opportunities that you have in your profile.

Pro Tip

While it is voluntary, we hope that you will share as much information about yourself as you feel comfortable. Remember that each RadGrad instance is a private, invitation-only community. You are only sharing this information with other folks within your RadGrad instance.

Goal for this tutorial page

Before going to the next page in this tutorial, please visit the Visibility page and consider sharing information about yourself with others in the community.

Last updated on by Philip Johnson