Welcome to the New Advisor Tutorial

If you're on this page, we assume that you are an advisor in a department that is introducing RadGrad, and want to know more about how you can help make RadGrad most useful to the students you are advising.

This section provides a tutorial to the advisor role in RadGrad for advisors who have not used the system before, or who want a refresher.

There are three basic goals for this tutorial:

  1. For you to become familiar with RadGrad so that you can answer student questions about it (and hopefully refer them to it when appropriate)

  2. To set up your RadGrad profile so that students will know that you are an appropriate resource person when their interests match yours.

  3. To know how to integrate RadGrad into your advising process and (hopefully) make it more efficient and effective.

To start, please click the "Next" link below to go to the first task in this tutorial.

Last updated on by Philip Johnson