Generate Demo Fixture

How to generate a demo fixture file

Download a current database dump from RadGrad

Login to RadGrad as administrator. Go to the Manage Database Page:

Manage Database Page

Click the Dump Database button. RadGrad will create a zip file containing all the collections and download it. Unzip the file and copy/move the JSON file to the scripts/radgrad-db/ directory. This directory is .gitignored so the student data will not be shared.

Edit the "create-demo-fixture": "npm run tsc && node js/fixture-generator/demo-fixture-generator.js radgrad-db/2021-05-18-10-14-34.json data/demo-fixture-generator-config.json" script in scripts/package.json to use the downloaded database.

Edit the demo-fixture-generator-config.json file (optional)

The demo-fixture-generator-config.json file defines five students:

  • Abi is a sophomore who has planned her Junior year.
  • Alfred is a senior with one academic term left.
  • Betty is a junior with about a full year left.
  • Charley is a blank student with no interests or career goals.
  • Dora is a Level 5 student.
  • Ella is an alumni.

You can edit the data/demo-fixture-generator-config.json file if you want to change the students or their plans.

The demo-fixture-generator-config.json file has two parts studentProfiles and studentPlans.

"studentProfiles": {
"name": "StudentProfileCollection",
"contents": []
"studentPlans": [
"username": "",
"courses": [],
"opportunities": [],
"reviews": []

The The StudentProfileCollection defines five student profiles. Setting up their interests, career goals, and their sharing preferences.

The studentPlans is an array of plans for each student. The plan has four components

  1. username the name of the student.

  2. courses an array of course information. { "slug": "ics_111", "academicYearOffset": -2, "termNum": 0, "grade": "A" },

    The slug is the course slug. The academicYearOffset is the number of years from the current year this course is in the plan. The termNum is the term in the year. For semester base systems 0 = 'Fall', 1 = 'Spring', 2 = 'Summer'. For quarter based systems 0 = 'Fall', 1 = 'Winter', 2 = 'Spring', 3 = 'Summer'. The grade is either the earned grade for courses in the past or the planned grade for future courses.

  3. opportunities an array of opportunity information. { "slug": "acm-manoa", "academicYearOffset": -1, "termNum": 1, "verified": true },

    The slug is the opportunity slug. The academicYearOffset and termNum are the same as courses. verified indicates if the opportunity was verified.

  4. reviews an array of review information. { "academicYearOffset": -1, "termNum": 1, "reviewee": "ics_111", "rating": 5, "comments": "Lecture can be boring. Tests can be tricky... so pay attention and read the questions and answers twice before answering them. Lab is were all the fun is. If you're not an ICS major or don't like programing, you probably shouldn't take the course." },

    The academicYearOffset and termNum are the same as above. The reviewee is the slug of the course or opportunity being reviewed. The rating is the rating and comments are the student's comments about the course or opportunity.

Run the script

Cd into the scripts directory and run the script.

⋊> ~/R/r/scripts on issue-509 ⨯ npm run create-demo-fixture
> radgrad2-scripts@1.0.0 create-demo-fixture
> npm run tsc && node js/fixture-generator/demo-fixture-generator.js radgrad-db/2021-05-18-10-14-34.json data/demo-fixture-generator-config.json
> radgrad2-scripts@1.0.0 tsc
> tsc
generateDemoFixture radgrad-db/2021-05-18-10-14-34.json data/demo-fixture-generator-config.json
⋊> ~/R/r/scripts on issue-509 ⨯

The new demo fixture is created in the scripts/data directory.

Last updated on by Philip Johnson