Home Page
After logging in you will be taken to your Home Page, which should look similar to this:
It's a To Do list
In RadGrad, the Home Page is a (somewhat) smart "To Do" list. Each time you visit the Home Page, RadGrad analyzes the state of the system and your profile to figure out whether there are useful activities for you to carry out in order to make the most of RadGrad.
The Home Page is divided into three sections:
- High Priority tasks are important for you to take care of in order to get the basic benefits of RadGrad.
- Medium Priority tasks are "good to do", but not essential.
- Completed tasks are things that are OK for now.
When you first start using RadGrad, the High Priority tasks help you carry out the basics: accepting the Terms and Conditions, adding Interests, Career Goals, Opportunities, and Courses to your profile, and filling out your Degree Plan.
Later, the Home Page keeps you informed of updates to the system that might affect you. For example, if new Opportunities get added since the last time you visited, your Home Page will let you know.
Another goal is to help you notice new changes to the system. For example, if new career goals or opportunities that are related to your interests appear, then this page can notify you to go look for them.
One of the most important initial checklist items is to review and accept the Terms and Conditions, as discussed next.
Goal for this tutorial page
Before moving on to the next page in this tutorial, be sure you can see your home page.