Overview of the developer's guide

Welcome to the RadGrad developers guide. This section of the site provides documentation on the implementation of the RadGrad system and the organization of the developer group. The documentation is divided into several sections:

  • Getting Started provides onboarding information for new developers.
  • Design provides information about the architecture and design of the system.
  • Reviews provides information about the RadGrad code review process.
  • Checklists is our evolving set of "best practices" for software development in RadGrad.
  • Testing provides information on how to test the system, and how to write tests.
  • Deployment provides information on how to deploy the system to production.
  • Reference provides access to the code-level JSDocs.

Our documentation attempts to follow the Divio Documentation Guidelines, which recommends providing documentation of four types: tutorials, how-to guides, explanation (concepts), and reference. So, many of the above sections have subsections for concepts and how-to guides.

Last updated on by Philip Johnson