Setup an in-house server using Meteor Up

This page documents the process of setting up an in-house server for RadGrad based upon Meteor Up.

These instructions assume you have a physical machine running a recent release of Unix.

Setup "radgrad" account

To start, you will need to create the ability for multiple developers to manage a single RadGrad installation on this server. We recommend setting up an account called "radgrad" whose password is shared among developers with deploy permissions.

Open ports

Several ports on the server will need to be open:


Setup NetData

It is useful to have system load monitoring established for the production server. One (free) choice is NetData.

Follow their instructions to set up a monitor daemon on the production server and "claim" that server in their cloud-based dashboard service. When you are done, you can easily monitor the load on your server and even set up alerts when various thresholds are crossed. Here's a screen shot illustrating the dashboard:


In order for the mup setup command to work, you must add NOPASSWD to the sudoers file on the server as documented in SSH based authentication with sudo.

Install mup

Follow the instructions at

npm install -g mup

Setup mup.js and settings.json

The app/.deploy directory, there are two template files: mup.sample.js and settings.sample.json.

Copy mup.sample.js to mup.js and settings.sample.js to settings.js:

cp mup.sample.js mup.js; cp settings.sample.json settings.json

Both mup.js and settings.json are ignored by git, so you can safely add credentials into those files without fear of them being committed to GitHub.

Edit these two files, adding credentials where necessary. See Philip if you need credentials.

Set up server

You can now set up the server following the directions at

mup setup

Sample invocation and output:

app/.deploy $ mup setup
Started TaskList: Setup Docker
[] - Setup Docker
[] - Setup Docker: SUCCESS
Started TaskList: Setup Meteor
[] - Setup Environment
[] - Setup Environment: SUCCESS
Started TaskList: Setup Mongo
[] - Setup Environment
[] - Setup Environment: SUCCESS
[] - Copying Mongo Config
[] - Copying Mongo Config: SUCCESS
Started TaskList: Start Mongo
[] - Start Mongo
[] - Start Mongo: SUCCESS
Started TaskList: Setup proxy
[] - Setup Environment
[] - Setup Environment: SUCCESS
[] - Pushing the Startup Script
[] - Pushing the Startup Script: SUCCESS
[] - Pushing Nginx Config Template
[] - Pushing Nginx Config Template: SUCCESS
[] - Pushing Nginx Config
[] - Pushing Nginx Config: SUCCESS
[] - Cleaning Up SSL Certificates
[] - Cleaning Up SSL Certificates: SUCCESS
[] - Configure Nginx Upstream
[] - Configure Nginx Upstream: SUCCESS
Started TaskList: Start proxy
[] - Start proxy
[] - Start proxy: SUCCESS
Next, you should run:
mup deploy

Deploy to server

Now you can deploy the current version of RadGrad in your directory to the server following the directions at

mup deploy

Sample invocation and output. This takes approximately 10 minutes on my machine to complete:

app/.deploy $ mup deploy
Building App Bundle Locally
Started TaskList: Pushing Meteor App
[] - Pushing Meteor App Bundle to the Server
[] - Pushing Meteor App Bundle to the Server: SUCCESS
[] - Prepare Bundle
[] - Prepare Bundle: SUCCESS
Started TaskList: Configuring App
[] - Pushing the Startup Script
[] - Pushing the Startup Script: SUCCESS
[] - Sending Environment Variables
[] - Sending Environment Variables: SUCCESS
Started TaskList: Start Meteor
[] - Start Meteor
[] - Start Meteor: SUCCESS
[] - Verifying Deployment
[] - Verifying Deployment: SUCCESS

After deployment finishes, the app should be live at

Check status of deployment through logs

To ensure that what you wanted to have happen actually happened, check the logs with mup logs:

mup logs

Sample invocation and results:

mup logs
[]=> Starting meteor app on port:3000
[]Monti APM: completed instrumenting the app
[]Beginning startup.
[]Invoking defineAdminUser
[]Defining admin with password JZiOl550tBtMuHz0UzNGZEC
[]Invoking loadDatabase
[]Monti APM: Successfully connected

Extremely Important Note: Each time you start up RadGrad and initialize it with a new database, a new admin password will be generated and the log file will be the only place it is made available. You must check the logs and save that password someplace safe, because it will be overwritten the next time you deploy an update.

Finish initial setup

See the next sections for additional setup instructions, including:

Publishing a new release

Once you have successfully set up your RadGrad server, subsequent updates to the system are much more simple.

See Publishing a new release for details.

Last updated on by Philip Johnson